About Princeville Presbyterian

Princeville Presbyterian Church is a community of love, under the authority of God’s Word, centered upon the gospel, for the glory of God.


1.   We are a church under the authority of Scripture.

We live in an age where evil is increasing and sound doctrine is decreasing. There is a constant pressure on all of us to cave to the world’s pattern of living and thinking, which are opposed to the system of teaching handed down to us in Scripture (2 Tim. 2:1-2). Nevertheless, God does not call us out of the world; rather, we are called to live in the world, engage the world, and shine as God’s beacons of light in a dark place. He does not leave us to do this in our own strength, but has given us the “God-breathed word…so that [we may be] thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). As a Church, we are committed to the proclamation of God’s word, which Paul says is profitable for “teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.”

2.   We are a church centered upon the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The gospel is the announcement, or good news, of who Jesus is and what he has done on our behalf. As such, it is the divine means by which we are saved, and comes to those who believe with the life transforming power of God. So, Paul says the gospel is to be of “first importance” in the church and that it undergirds and informs all of the Christian life (1 Cor. 15:2-3). Gospel-formed Christianity is not moralism; it is not the message of how you can be a better person, or how you should be a better person, or how to have more success, security, or peace. It is the announcement of what God has done for us in Christ! As we hear the gospel, believe the gospel, and grow in faith and trust in Christ our savior, our lives are progressively restored by God’s grace. As a gospel-centered church we are committed to grace-filled Christianity, not the deceptive promises of moralism.

 3.    We are a church that exists for the glory of God.

Yahweh reveals Himself to Moses as “The Lord, The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness…forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin” (Ex. 34:5-7). This is the God we see most clearly at the cross, where God’s wrath is poured out on Christ, the Son, on our behalf. In Christ we see the compassion of God as He bears our sins, and we see the wrath of God as Christ dies the death each of us deserve. In the light of such an awesome and loving God, we respond as the body of Christ in worship and mission, seeking His glory above our own in all things.

4.    We are a church that is a community of love.

We live in a world of hierarchy and status, but the gospel calls us to a community of self-sacrificing love and service. This is the truth that Jesus demonstrated in His life and death. As the body of Christ, we evidence the life of our Lord, and the truth of the gospel, in how we treat one another. In fact, Jesus said, “by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). As a church, we are committed to the interests of each other above our own.