Sunday Morning Worship (FAQ)
What time should I arrive?
Sunday school begins at 9:00am for adults and children. The worship service begins at 10:30am, and we have a fellowship time with coffee and snacks from 10-10:25am each Sunday in the fellowship hall in between Sunday school and service. Even if you can’t make it to Sunday school, the fellowship time before service is a great way to meet new people!
How should I dress?
Come as you are. Dress style is casual.
What should I do when I arrive?
A greeter will meet you at the door and hand you a bulletin. Find any seat and feel free to sit quietly and pray, or, if you are new to Princeville Presbyterian, familiarize yourself with the bulletin, which contains everything you will need for the service, as well as announcements concerning upcoming events and activities in the life of our church.
What about my children?
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) Children of all ages are welcome at the worship service, though for the really little ones (five and under) nursery care is available throughout the entire service. Kids stand and sing with the adults and participate with them during the first half of the service. Then, for the second half, they are dismissed to Children’s Church (K-5th grade).
What if my child gets fussy?
We like children and don’t mind a little noise. If the volume increases and you think it best, you may choose to bring your child next door to the nursery. There are always Children’s Ministry Team members available to help.
What if I’m late?
You’re welcome whenever you arrive! We only ask that if a prayer is being spoken or if Scripture is being read that you wait to find your seat until it is completed.
What am I supposed to do during the offering?
If you’re a visitor to our church, please don’t feel pressured to give any money during the offering. Just take the plate when it’s handed to you and pass it along to the person next to you.
How often do you celebrate the Lord’s Supper?
On the first Sunday of each month.
What is the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper?
At his last meal with his disciples Jesus shared bread and wine with them and asked them to continue to do so in remembrance of him. The Lord’s Supper, therefore, is a sacrament — a visible representation of an invisible reality — which was instituted by our Lord himself for our blessing and benefit. It is the covenant renewal meal of the faithful, by which disciples of Jesus reaffirm their faith in him as Lord and Savior and acknowledge the sober reality at the heart of all we are and do as a community of faith — that Jesus gave his life for sinners like us. By eating the bread and drinking of the cup, followers of Jesus proclaim their personal faith in him anew, remembering his death, celebrating his life and reign, and acknowledging the new life and new community which Jesus’ sacrifice has purchased for us.
May I receive Communion?
The Communion is a meal for those who have set their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who repent of their sin and are willing to covenant once more to live as followers of Jesus Christ. If you have not yet set your faith in Jesus, then just pass the elements to the person next to you without taking them. But be sure to observe the sacrament and meditate on the meaning of what you are seeing (per the paragraph above).
What if I should feel led during the service (or any time) to set my trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior?
We’re looking forward to seeing you this Sunday. Welcome!